
data class CaptureSettings(val analyzerSettings: AnalyzerSettings = AnalyzerSettings(), val uxSettings: UxSettings = UxSettings(), val cameraSettings: CameraSettings = CameraSettings(), val filterSettings: FilterSettings? = null, val strings: CaptureOverlayStrings = CaptureOverlayStrings(), @StyleRes val style: Int? = null, @StyleRes val activityTheme: Int? = null) : Parcelable

All available settings for the Capture process.


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constructor(analyzerSettings: AnalyzerSettings = AnalyzerSettings(), uxSettings: UxSettings = UxSettings(), cameraSettings: CameraSettings = CameraSettings(), filterSettings: FilterSettings? = null, strings: CaptureOverlayStrings = CaptureOverlayStrings(), @StyleRes style: Int? = null, @StyleRes activityTheme: Int? = null)


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val activityTheme: Int? = null

Theme of the capture activity.

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Settings for the capture analyser.

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Camera configuration options.

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Settings for the optional capture filter.

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String customisation options for the capture screen.

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val style: Int? = null

Style (theme) customisation options for the capture camera overlay. It is possible to change default resources like colors, drawables and text appearances. See style MB_capture_overlay_style in SDK resources for all available options. Here you should pass your own style resource. In your style, you define only attributes that should be changed, if some property is not defined, default one from MB_capture_overlay_style resource will be used.

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Various UX settings.


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)