
data class UxSettings(val showIntroductionDialog: Boolean = false, val showOnboardingInfo: Boolean = true, val showHelpTooltipTimeIntervalMs: Long, val keepScreenOn: Boolean = true, val sideCaptureTimeoutMs: Long?) : Parcelable

Capture UX settings.


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constructor(showIntroductionDialog: Boolean = false, showOnboardingInfo: Boolean = true, showHelpTooltipTimeIntervalMs: Long, keepScreenOn: Boolean = true, sideCaptureTimeoutMs: Long?)


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val keepScreenOn: Boolean = true

Indicates whether the screen will be always ON while capture screen is in foreground.

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Time in milliseconds that needs to pass before help tooltip is displayed.

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Indicates whether introduction dialog will be displayed on capture start.

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Indicates whether onboarding (help) screens will be displayed. If onboarding is disabled, help button and tooltip won't be displayed.

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Duration in milliseconds that needs to pass since scanning of the current document side has begun in order to finish side capture. Timeout timer is restarted on document side flip. Please be aware that time counting does not start from the moment when capture process starts. Instead it starts from the moment when at least one valid frame candidate for the current document side has entered the analysis queue. The reason for this is the better user experience in cases when for example timeout is set to 10 seconds and user starts scanning and leaves device lying on table for 9 seconds and then points the device towards the document it wants to capture: in such case it is better to let the user to capture the document. To disable side capture timeout set it to null.


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)