Package-level declarations
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data class CameraSettings(val resolution: CameraSettings.Resolution = Resolution.RESOLUTION_2160_P) : Parcelable
Camera configuration options.
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data class CaptureSettings(val analyzerSettings: AnalyzerSettings = AnalyzerSettings(), val uxSettings: UxSettings = UxSettings(), val cameraSettings: CameraSettings = CameraSettings(), val filterSettings: FilterSettings? = null, val strings: CaptureOverlayStrings = CaptureOverlayStrings(), @StyleRes val style: Int? = null, @StyleRes val activityTheme: Int? = null) : Parcelable
All available settings for the Capture process.
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Settings for the capture filter.
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data class UxSettings(val showIntroductionDialog: Boolean = false, val showOnboardingInfo: Boolean = true, val showHelpTooltipTimeIntervalMs: Long, val keepScreenOn: Boolean = true, val sideCaptureTimeoutMs: Long?) : Parcelable
Capture UX settings.