
data class CaptureOverlayStrings(@StringRes val flashlightWarning: Int = R.string.mb_capture_flashlight_warning_message, @StringRes val helpTooltip: Int = R.string.mb_capture_onboarding_tooltip, val onboardingStrings: OnboardingStrings = OnboardingStrings(), val instructionsStrings: InstructionsStrings = InstructionsStrings(), val alertStrings: AlertStrings = AlertStrings()) : Parcelable

String customisation options for capture screen.


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constructor(@StringRes flashlightWarning: Int = R.string.mb_capture_flashlight_warning_message, @StringRes helpTooltip: Int = R.string.mb_capture_onboarding_tooltip, onboardingStrings: OnboardingStrings = OnboardingStrings(), instructionsStrings: InstructionsStrings = InstructionsStrings(), alertStrings: AlertStrings = AlertStrings())


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Flashlight warning message which appears when flashlight is turned ON.

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Help tooltip text, displayed near the help button.

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String customisations for capture instructions displayed to the user.

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String customisations for onboarding screens and introduction dialog.


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)