
Analyzer runner used to perform image capture on the provided images - image by image.


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The result of analyzer.

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Settings for the analyzer.


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Performs analysis and capture of the document on the given input image. Use this method when you have fixed number of images to analyze, e.g. one (or few) for the front side and another (or few) for the back side of the document. This method can be called multiple times and all analyzed images are taken into account for building the final AnalyzerRunner.result. Also make sure that you have set appropriate AnalyzerRunner.settings, for example if you have single image per document side, set AnalyzerSettings.captureStrategy - com.microblink.capture.settings.CaptureStrategy.SingleFrame.

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Performs analysis and capture of the document on the given input image. Use this method when you have larger number of images coming from the stream, e.g. camera stream or pre-recorded video stream. It is expected that you will call this method multiple times for analysis of the single document and all analyzed images are taken into account for building the final AnalyzerRunner.result. For each frame, all relevant info for current status of the analysis and the capture process is returned by FrameAnalysisResultListener which could be used to guide the user through the scanning process.

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Releases ownership of the result object and returns analyzer to initial state.

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Finish side capture before the side capture acceptance criteria is met. Side capture criteria is met when com.microblink.capture.analysis.FrameAnalysisResult.CaptureState.SideCaptured or com.microblink.capture.analysis.FrameAnalysisResult.CaptureState.DocumentCaptured is returned.

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fun reset()

Resets the analyzer to initial state.

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fun resetSide()

Returns capture and analysis of the current side to begin.

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fun terminate()

Terminates the analyzer and releases allocated memory for processing.