
data class SdkStrings(val scanningStrings: ScanningStrings, val helpDialogsStrings: HelpDialogsStrings) : Parcelable

Data class contains all the strings used throughout the SDK. Default can be used to keep the original strings if only some of the elements are to be changed.

This class shouldn't be modified, but rather a new instance should be created and used in com.microblink.blinkidverify.ux.UiSettings.verifySdkStrings when creating an instance of com.microblink.blinkidverify.ux.CameraScanningScreen.


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constructor(scanningStrings: ScanningStrings, helpDialogsStrings: HelpDialogsStrings)


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object Companion


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Strings used in onboarding and help dialogs. These strings shouldn't be customized as they provide adequate instructions tailored specifically to our scanning experience. However, if the scanning experience is changed in any way, onboarding and help screen instructions may also be adjusted.

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Strings that appear as instruction messages during the scanning session. These instructions are triggered by specific UX events and will appear on screen accordingly.


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)