Package-level declarations
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class BlinkIdAnalyzer(blinkIdSdk: BlinkIdSdk, sessionSettings: BlinkIdSessionSettings, uxSettings: BlinkIdUxSettings, scanningDoneHandler: BlinkIdScanningDoneHandler, uxEventHandler: ScanningUxEventHandler? = null) : ImageAnalyzer
Analyzes images from the camera and processes them using the BlinkID SDK.
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data class BlinkIdDocumentLocatedLocation(val location: Quadrilateral, val inputImage: InputImage) : ScanningUxEvent
The document has been located by the recognizer.
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interface BlinkIdScanningDoneHandler
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Translates BlinkIdProcessResult and other scanning session information into a list of ScanningUxEvent objects.
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interface BlinkIdUxTranslator
An interface that represents the translation process from ScanningUxEvent to the UX.
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data class DocumentImageAnalysisResult(val imageAnalysisResult: InputImageAnalysisResult) : ScanningUxEvent
Event that holds all the information about the currently scan.
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suspend fun ScanningUxEventHandler.dispatchBlinkIdEvents(translator: BlinkIdUxTranslator, processResult: BlinkIdProcessResult, inputImage: InputImage?, session: BlinkIdScanningSession)
Dispatches user experience events to the ScanningUxEventHandler after translating the process results.