Package-level declarations
Detailed information about the address.
Represents the type of the alphabet used in the document.
Represents the state of the field in the data match.
Represents the type of the field used in data match.
Represents the result of the data match.
Represents the state of the data match.
Represents the result of the date extraction.
Information about the dependent.
DocumentImageColorStatus enum defines possible color statuses determined from scanned image.
DocumentOrientation enum defines possible card orientations.
Represents the rotation of the document.
Represents detailed extracted information about the driver license.
ImageAnalysisDetectionStatus enum defines possible states of detection.
ImageAnalysisLightingStatus enum defines possible lighting statuses.
Represents the types of images that can be extracted from the document.
Represents the results of processing and analyzing an input image.
Represents the status of the document processing.
Represents possible recognition modes.
Represents the completeness of the extraction process for a scanned document.
Represents the side of the document being scanned.
Represents the different states of a scanning process.
Represents the result of scanning a single side of the document.
Represents the multi-alphabet string result extracted from the OCR. The result contains the extracted strings, their locations, and the sides of the extracted strings.
Represents the information about the vehicle class extraction.