Package-level declarations


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data class AddressDetailedInfo(val street: String, val postalCode: String, val city: String, val jurisdiction: String)

Detailed information about the address.

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Represents the type of the alphabet used in the document.

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data class DataMatchFieldState(val fieldType: DataMatchFieldType, val state: DataMatchState)

Represents the state of the field in the data match.

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Represents the type of the field used in data match.

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class DataMatchResult(val statePerField: Array<DataMatchFieldState>)

Represents the result of the data match.

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Represents the state of the data match.

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data class DateResult<StringType>(val day: Int?, val month: Int?, val year: Int?, val originalString: StringType, val filledByDomainKnowledge: Boolean = false, val successfullyParsed: Boolean = true)

Represents the result of the date extraction.

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data class DependentInfo(val dateOfBirth: DateResult<StringResult?>?, val sex: StringResult?, val documentNumber: StringResult?, val fullName: StringResult?)

Information about the dependent.

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DocumentImageColorStatus enum defines possible color statuses determined from scanned image.

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DocumentOrientation enum defines possible card orientations.

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Represents the rotation of the document.

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data class DriverLicenseDetailedInfo<StringType>(val restrictions: StringType, val endorsements: StringType, val vehicleClass: StringType, val conditions: StringType, val vehicleClassesInfo: Array<VehicleClassInfo<StringType>>)

Represents detailed extracted information about the driver license.

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Represents all possible field types that can be extracted from the document.

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ImageAnalysisDetectionStatus enum defines possible states of detection.

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ImageAnalysisLightingStatus enum defines possible lighting statuses.

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Represents the types of images that can be extracted from the document.

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data class InputImageAnalysisResult(val processingStatus: ProcessingStatus, val missingMandatoryFields: Array<FieldType>, val extractedFields: Array<FieldType>, val invalidCharacterFields: Array<FieldType>, val extraPresentFields: Array<FieldType>, val imageExtractionFailures: Array<ImageExtractionType>, val scanningSide: ScanningSide, val documentDetectionStatus: DetectionStatus, val documentLocation: Quadrilateral?, val documentClassInfo: DocumentClassInfo, val blurDetectionStatus: ImageAnalysisDetectionStatus, val glareDetectionStatus: ImageAnalysisDetectionStatus, val documentColorStatus: DocumentImageColorStatus, val documentMoireStatus: ImageAnalysisDetectionStatus, val faceDetectionStatus: ImageAnalysisDetectionStatus, val mrzDetectionStatus: ImageAnalysisDetectionStatus, val barcodeDetectionStatus: ImageAnalysisDetectionStatus, val realIDDetectionStatus: ImageAnalysisDetectionStatus, val documentLightingStatus: ImageAnalysisLightingStatus, val documentHandOcclusionStatus: ImageAnalysisDetectionStatus, val documentOrientation: DocumentOrientation, val documentRotation: DocumentRotation)

Represents the results of processing and analyzing an input image.

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Represents the status of the document processing.

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Represents possible recognition modes.

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data class Rectangle(val x: Float, val y: Float, val width: Float, val height: Float)

Represents a rectangle.

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data class ResultCompleteness(val scanningStatus: ScanningStatus, val vizExtracted: Boolean, val mrzExtracted: Boolean, val barcodeExtracted: Boolean, val documentImageExtracted: Boolean, val faceImageExtracted: Boolean, val signatureImageExtracted: Boolean)

Represents the completeness of the extraction process for a scanned document.

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Represents the side of the document being scanned.

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Represents the different states of a scanning process.

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data class SingleSideScanningResult(val viz: VizResult?, val mrz: MrzResult?, val barcode: BarcodeResult?, val inputImage: InputImageResult?, val barcodeInputImage: InputImageResult?, val documentImage: CroppedImageResult?, val faceImage: DetailedCroppedImageResult?, val signatureImage: DetailedCroppedImageResult?)

Represents the result of scanning a single side of the document.

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data class StringResult(val values: Array<String>, val locations: Array<Rectangle?>, val sides: Array<ScanningSide?>)

Represents the multi-alphabet string result extracted from the OCR. The result contains the extracted strings, their locations, and the sides of the extracted strings.

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data class VehicleClassInfo<StringType>(val vehicleClass: StringType, val licenceType: StringType, val effectiveDate: DateResult<StringType>?, val expiryDate: DateResult<StringType>?)

Represents the information about the vehicle class extraction.