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public interface FrameCallback extends android.os.Parcelable
Callback that will be invoked from FrameGrabberRecognizer when it receives new frame for processing.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface android.os.Parcelable

    android.os.Parcelable.ClassLoaderCreator<T>, android.os.Parcelable.Creator<T>
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from interface android.os.Parcelable

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    onFrameAvailable(Image cameraFrame, boolean isFocused, double frameQuality)
    Called when FrameGrabberRecognizer received new frame for processing.

    Methods inherited from interface android.os.Parcelable

    describeContents, writeToParcel
  • Method Details

    • onFrameAvailable

      void onFrameAvailable(@Nullable Image cameraFrame, boolean isFocused, double frameQuality)
      Called when FrameGrabberRecognizer received new frame for processing. Note that all buffers associated with image are available only during life of this method. As soon as this method exits, there is no guarantee that buffers will be valid. If you need to store image for later processing, showing or saving, make sure you create a copy of it with Image.clone().
      cameraFrame - The Image containing frame that will be processed.
      isFocused - Information whether or not given frame is considered to be in focus. This information is calculated on the basis of frame quality estimation algorithm combined with information about actual frame that was provided by camera device.
      frameQuality - A number indicating calculated quality of given frame. This number is non-negative, however it's maximum is not defined - the higher the number is, the better the observed quality of frame is.